Borobudur Sunrise at Punthuk Situmbu
Sunrise Borobudur location in Situmbu:
Borobudur sunrise at Punthuk Situmbu is one of the best places in Borobudur Temple the best angle Photography with a very interesting natural panorama to be seen from this place. The name of this place is Punthuk Situmbu. It is located about 5 KM west of the Temple Borobudur at the location of the GPS coordinates S7 “36’25.5” E110 “10’39”. Or located in the village of Karangrejo, Borobudur, Magelang Regency, Central Java. Driving 1 hour 30 minutes from Jogja / Yogyakarta Airport. We suggest you can rent a car or rent a car in Jogja to go to Puthuk Situmbu hill.
How to easily get to Puntuk Situmbu?
Go to see Borobudur sunrise at Punthuk Situmbu and Borobudur Tour is a place that is a bit far from Yogyakarta and not too crowded . The following is not easy to be able to find public transportation, we recommend that you first prepare transportation from Yogyakarta. No need to hire a tour guide. You can rent a car rental with a driver who knows a lot about this place. You should contact a Car Rental company in Yogyakarta that already has a reputation for tours. Ask or request that you will see the sunrise at Borobudur Temple from Puntuk Situmbu, then the custumer service will prepare a Driver / Driver who knows where Puntuk Situmbu is located.
How much is the Entry Ticket to Bukit Puthuk Situmbu?
Entrance Ticket Price: IDR.30,000 / person
Included: Coffee / tea hot drinks, Flashlight.
Free take photos at Borobudur Temple
Once you are satisfied in Punthuk situmbu, you can continue exploring photo objects to Borobudur Temple.